Also known as reduction mammoplasty, a breast reduction is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from large and pendulous breasts, to achieve a breast size that is in proportion with your body. This can alleviate any discomfort associated with exceedingly large breasts. Breast reduction surgery can also enhance your overall quality of life and self-image. THE BREAST REDUCTION PROCEDURE Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia and can take about 3-4 hours to complete. The specific technique used to reduce the size of the breasts will vary based upon doctor recommendations, aesthetic preferences and the amount of reduction desired. In some cases, liposuction may be used in conjunction with the practices listed below.


The most preferred method of breast reduction surgery involves creating an anchor shaped incision around the nipple and areola then following the natural crease under the surface of your breast. Excessive glandular fat, tissue and skin are removed and the areola and nipple are reconstructed to a new position on the breasts. The incisions are then brought together in order to reshape the now reduced breasts. Sutures are also layered deeply within the breast tissue to create and support the newly shaped breasts. Sutures, skin adhesives and/or surgical tape will then be used to close the skin.


The ideal candidate for a breast reduction is a non-smoking adult who has large, pendulous breasts and suffers from chronic headaches and/or back or neck pain. Patients undergoing this procedure should have realistic expectations for the results after surgery.


  • Incision lines are permanent, but will fade over time in most cases
  • An elastic bandage or support bra may be worn to minimize swelling and support breasts as they heal
  • A thin tube may also be temporarily placed under the skin to drain excess blood or fluid that may collect to avoid infection
  • Slight discomfort for 1-2 weeks after surgery
  • Resume normal activities within 2 weeks following surgery