A facelift/neck lift may be right for you if you are looking to achieve a more youthful appearance and reverse the inevitable signs of aging! This procedure, also known as a rhytidectomy, addresses the negative effects of aging. The goal of a rhytidectomy is to tighten the area under your chin by removing excess skin, muscles, or fat. The excess, sagging skin around the neck can be caused by excess sun exposure, stress, age, weight loss and other environmental factors.

The Facelift/Neck Lift Procedure

Depending on the degree of change you would like to see, facelift procedures are often combined with neck contouring, chin implants or eyelid rejuvenation to fully restore a youthful and well-rested appearance. The goal of this procedure is restoration, without changing the natural definition and features of your face. Generally, the procedure can take about 3 hours and will improve visible signs of aging that include:

Displaced fat or fat that has fallen
Deep creases along the nose that extend to the corner of the mouth
Sagging in the midface area
Loss of muscle tone in the lower face, creating jowls
Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw


A traditional facelift will begin with the doctor making incisions along the hairline and temple. These incisions will continue around the ear and end in the lower scalp. Fat may be redistributed from the face, jowls and neck, while the underlying tissue is repositioned. The deeper layers of the face and muscles can also be lifted. The skin is then re-draped over the uplifted contours. Once the excess skin is trimmed away, a second incision under the chin may be necessary to add the appearance of a youthful neck. Once healed, the incision lines from the facelift will be nicely concealed within the hairline and within the natural contours of the face and ear.


The ideal candidate is a healthy, non-smoking adult. It is important for the candidate to have a positive outlook, with specific but realistic goals in mind for the outcome of their procedure.


  • Minimal pain and discomfort
  • Stitches are removed within 1 week
  • Swelling and discoloration subsides within 2 weeks
  • Resume normal activities within 10-14 days
  • Resume exercise and strenuous activities in 2-3 weeks